

💡 Workshops

Young Taiwanese economists have been awarded around 20 prizes and medals since their first debut in the 2020 IEO!

Wishing to know more about how the IEO? Wanna know how Taiwanese contestants played in the competition? You can now sign up for our workshops!

Our workshops will include two pillars: (1) analysis of IEO competition pillars and (2) analysis writing practice.

🏅 IEO Camp 

Hosted by the association that leaded Team Taiwan to success in the last two IEO, the faculty team of the IEO training camp will show you the beauty of economics! 

The team will also arrange outdoor study visits, teach you to analyze business cases, and apply what you learned into practice. Also, university professors will be invited to give you first-hand feedback in a simulated business analysis competition! Moreover, former IEO contestants will come and share their learning experiences in the camp.

If you find economics exciting or want to learn more about Economics Olympiad, you do not want to miss this chance!

Sign up for the IEO Camp Taiwan right now!

📚 IEOx EssayChallenge

We aim to ignite passion for social sciences.

We look forward to sparks in economics, business, history, geography, political science, sociology, and linguistics. (but don't limit to them!)

We emphasize support from contemporary, historical, and hands-on resources.

So we organize the Journal – a virtual platform at this difficult time – for high schoolers from different corners of the region to create and share!