

The Taiwanese Economics Olympiad (TEO) is the first national competition of the International Economics Olympiad (IEO) in Taiwan.

In the competition, interdisciplinary knowledge and creative problem-solving skills are required on the way toward the annual arena of the IEO.

In line with the IEO, the TEO comprises 3 pillars: economics, finance, and business cases and is conducted in English only.

Competition syllabus

1. General

Although the teaching of economics and similar subjects might be very different, the tasks of the TEO will be composed in a way that facilitates equal competition. The tasks will not be aimed primarily at testing the knowledge of theory. A significant share of the tasks will be practical-oriented, test analytical skills and curiosity.

All tasks are individual and closed-book. A contestant may use a simple (non-programmable) pocket calculator and a dictionary for translating words. The dictionary must be clean — without any notes or extra sheets of paper in it. Smartphones and other devices are prohibited.

In accordance with Statute of the TEO, all tasks will be provided only in English. Contestants must provide their solutions in English.

2. Economics

Each  economics multiple-choice question and open question must belong to one or more of the following topics:

3. Finance

Each  financial multiple-choice question and open question must belong to one or more of the following topics:

4. Business case

Business case solution consists of several parts. Here are the competencies contestant should acquire, that will be evaluated by the jury, related to those parts:


1. Preliminary stage

Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions


Part 2: Open Questions

2. Final stage

The final round is a business case study task and includes the oral presentation of the results. Presentations can be supported by slides or posters. The presentations should be in English.

Case study task lasts for 2 hour and 13 mins — 2 hour of preparation, 8 minutes of the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Contestants are allowed to use their own personal computer. During the period of preparation, contestants may use any online and offline materials, but it is prohibited to contact other people or resort to AI for help. 

Preparatory resources

1. Mathematical skills

To analyze quantitative problems, we recommend you to become familiar with these mathematical skills:

2. Recommended materials

3. Sample test papers